Saturday, November 1, 2008

Back home, and playing catch-up

I'm back at home now, and am trying to catch up on reading and responding to email, listening to phone messages, and sleeping.  The eleven hour flight from Tokyo to Chicago crossed the international dateline, leaving at 6 p.m. and arriving at 3 p.m. of the same day!  As interesting as it was to experience time travel in this way, it made for a very long day.  This flight was followed by a 7 hour layover in the Chicago airport, before the connecting flight brought me into Memphis around 11 p.m., about 26 hours (yawn) since I'd gotten out of bed for breakfast in Tokyo.  
Since I fell behind on posting answers to the "Question of the Day" near the end of my journey, when my travels took me out of range of internet access for a couple of days, I will post one for each of the 3 questions from I discovered in my CMDS email account upon my return.  Thanks Lainey, Catherine, and Daniel, for sending them!  I am looking forward to seeing all my students in class this week, and sharing more about Japan with you during library class.
-- Ms. Gray