Saturday, November 1, 2008


Question of the Day, Oct. 27

Q:  Is there a Target in Japan? (Catherine)

A:  No.  Target stores are only in the U.S.
Although Japan has the same types of stores that are found in the U.S., such as grocery stores, department stores, clothing stores, toy stores, convenience stores, electronics stores, gift shops, and even "100 yen" stores (which are like our dollar stores, with everything in the store costing 100 yen, approximately equal to $1 in U.S. dollars), they have their own store chains.  I did not see any U.S. store names (Target, Circuit City, etc.), except for 7-11 convenience stores.  

It's possible that there are stores that exist in both countries, and I just didn't come across them in my travels.  It is also possible that there are some big companies that own stores in both Japan and the U.S., and just use different names for their stores in the two different countries; but if so, I don't know about them.  It would be an interesting thing to try and research, though.  See what you can find out on the internet about it, and let me know!